’I Am Ready to Face Things With a Confidence that Truly Belongs to Me!’

The Narconon program includes unique exercises called objectives to help bring a person's attention off the past and into the present. Becoming stable in present time is a very important factor in drug rehabilitation. A person’s attention can be stuck in literally thousands of different past moments. His behavior and attitudes are influenced by such past experiences. With so much attention on his past, he has little or no attention left for the here and now. This is what a student has to say upon completion of the Objectives course.

I am feeling a better part of me growing from finishing this section of the Objectives course. When I look at the reflection of the mirror I see clearer with a vision of completely understanding the value of who I am and sharing my space with others, my eyes are kind in my development.
I am ready to face things with a confidence that truly belongs to me with an open heart.
Thank you, Narconon!

To preserve privacy, the photo does not show an actual Narconon student or graduate.


Christine Bauer

Christine is the Dissemination Secretary at Narconon Melbourne, Australia. She is also a graduate of the program and has been free of drugs for 11 years.