’Feeling Positive’

Completing the Ups and Downs course has given me a much greater insight into the people in my life and clarity in the type of people and environment in which I need to surround myself.

I'm now highly aware of different traits in people's characters, anti-social and social and the ways in which they do and can affect and influence me.

I can now identify the anti-social qualities in people that have in the past proven to be triggers to feelings of anxiety, insecurities and emotional turmoil which in turn have caused me to turn to alcohol and substance abuse. These are the characteristics which I am now able to avoid by not surrounding myself with these people.

I can now see that I need only surround myself with social characters who have a positive, uplifting effect on myself, in order to maintain a happy, healthy lifestyle. I had trouble being able to identify this in the past years. It has made my focus and decision making easier as I now know the traits to look for :)

I also have a much better ability on how to approach and handle any negative, anti-social behavior, in any situations that may arise in life.

Feeling positive!! :)

C.F.—Narconon Student

To preserve privacy, the photo does not show an actual Narconon student or graduate.


Christine Bauer

Christine is the Dissemination Secretary at Narconon Melbourne, Australia. She is also a graduate of the program and has been free of drugs for 11 years.