My Confidence Has Never Been This Good!

The Narconon program includes unique exercises called Objectives to help bring a person’s attention off the past and into the present.

When it comes to the courses, at first I thought it was a bunch of stupid drills. I thought I was going a bit mentally ill, but after starting and being in the present moment, I got better and better at it. My confidence has never been this good. I feel like I can take over the world with a positive understanding attitude.
There is a Turkish saying ’sweet words can even take a snake out of its hole’. So getting angry and frustrated puts you always down and also on the wrong path, therefore, can never get your message across.
To conclude, the drills have taught me patience, confidence and a sweet smile with words that no-one can resist’ :)

A.L.—Narconon Student

To preserve privacy, the photo does not show an actual Narconon student or graduate.


Christine Bauer

Christine is the Dissemination Secretary at Narconon Melbourne, Australia. She is also a graduate of the program and has been free of drugs for 11 years.