’Narconon Has Saved My Life’

Narconon uses time-tested rehabilitation technology that gets to the problem at its source—and provides a path for long-term success.

Many who come to Narconon have been through other drug rehab programs before with no lasting success. Our program is unique. Narconon uses a series of techniques found nowhere else to help addicts overcome drug and alcohol dependencies and their damaging effects. This is done naturally—there are no substitute drugs in the Narconon program.

At Narconon, we look to address the causes of addiction—to get at what drove a person to drugs in the first place.

The goal is a drug-free life.

Narconon has saved my life. :)
Not only am I drug free and have the right knowledge to be a productive person in society—I am happy :)

Narconon Student

To preserve privacy, the photo does not show an actual Narconon student or graduate.


Christine Bauer

Christine is the Dissemination Secretary at Narconon Melbourne, Australia. She is also a graduate of the program and has been free of drugs for 11 years.